Course details

The layout of the course is well thought out and very compact. The distance between greens and the next tee is small, and the holes are relatively short. However, the undulating fairways framed by heather provide a challenge to achieving a good score.

Ladies 18 holes

Ladies Length Par CR 18 SR 18
Red 4806 71 71,0 131
Blue 5212 71 73.7 134
Orange 4642 71 70.2 129
Yellow 5581 71 76.3 139

Ladies 9 holes (CR + SR)

Ladies CR 1st 9 SR 1st 9 CR 2nd 9 SR 2nd 9
Red 35.2 127 35.8 137
Blue 36.6 131 37.1 138
Orange 35.2 127 35.0 132
Yellow 37.9 135 38.5 142


Men 18 holes

Men Length Par CR 18 SR 18
Yellow 5581 71 69.9 131
White 5962 71 71.9 140
Blue 5212 71 67.9 126
Red 4806 71 65.5 118
Orange 4642 71 65.0 114

Men 9 holes (CR + SR)

Men CR 1st 9 SR 1st 9 CR 2nd 9 SR 2nd 9
Yellow 34.9 126 35.1 137
White 36.1 131 35.8 150
Blue 33.8 122 34.2 130
Red 32.6 114 33.0 122
Orange 32.6 114 32.5 112